ok, i had this insane dream a few months ago tht i cant find an interpretation for anywhere. its pretty long but it might be entertaining. it started with me and this annoying friend i have named dylan coming out of a chinese buffet. i know it was past the time he was supposed 2 leave so we started jogging across the street and just barely avoided getting hit by an orange car. After we passed it the car just stayed there honking and some random kid named "Ador" came out of nowhere, who did the same thing. dylan jumped on the back of the car and started punching the back window. in the dream we would be known as "fakies" if the person caught us so me and Ador took the time dylan bought us to run away.
We dashed down the street and came to a yard with a fence around it and jumped over the fence. Ador started messing around with a cell phone and i heard people coming so i got up to run again. as i was about to jump over the fence, to another yard, i felt something on my shoulder and Ador yelled "the old man!". i looked down and saw an old man that i accidentally killed while jumping over the fence and realized his sock was on my shoulder. Ador said i kneed him in the face during the jump. We had no choice but to run now so i jumped over the fence, to the next yard.
the next yard had a maze of walls and Ador said we should keep running. i knew no one would catch us but i started praying like crazy and even thought about having a proper burial for the guy. we started crawling through the maze and this rap song by AZ called "more money, more murder, more homocide" started playing. when we got out of the maze we went directly in2 a bus and stayed there.
The dream fast forwarded to when we were adults and the AZ song was still playing for a really short time. the dream showed Ador and some other guy, that mightve been dylan smoking weed like crazy, showing that was all they eer did. i dont think i was part of the group anymore but i was still seeing wht was going on.
The dream went on to show this girl who could see the future. she met a bunch of people who lived in the woods, outcasted for sinning against God. she had her back turned and told them they would be doomed if they didnt prepare in less than 30 seconds. then she pulled the strings on her bikini and disappeared. just then some guy came bursting into the woods and all the outcasted people were transformed into hideous demons. there was a little boy, who turned into this fat gremlin made of fires who said he was the strongest becuz he completley turned on God. he started shooting arrows at the guy but they didnt seem to hurt him to much. i think the guy actually ended up injuring one of them and ran away.
The dream went on to show this guy who looked like a Mayan that from the same place as the psychic girl. he was walking up 5th street (less than a block away from my house), looking for demons to slay. he came to these 2 huge, thuggish looking guys, pulled his hair back and growled to see if they would respond. they didnt so he turned away. he then saw Ador in the woods, laughing with his skin changing colors. the mayan knew Ador was a demon and he tore his own stomach off. his organs turned to stone and turned the same colors that Ador's face was turning. Ador started running away as the Mayan put his hands down to the shrubs and started laughing and screaming at the same time.
Thats where it ended. if theres anything about me u would need to know to intrepret it, just ask.