This one dream involved this girl whom i have feelings for. It starts off with me, in some sort of vehicle, i'm high off the ground, but i can still see this girl standing outside my school, i yell her name, and she follows the vehicle(which i imagine is a bus), until I appear out of the vehicle, and with her, immediately, I show up in a school, not my own, but a school familiar, where for some reason, I have this biography of her(which does not exist), and I run into a classroom where there is one of her friends, she is putting up decorations around the classroom, which is something i've seen her do before. My crush's friend turns to me, and I say something along the liens of "i can't find her(my crush)," and i show her a picture of what is supposed to be her, from the biography i have, my crush's friend says she doesn't recognize the photo, and I see it, and it is not of her, but of a different looking one of her. It is hard to explain, but the photo looks like my crush, but is not. Anyhow, I end up appearing in what is a familiar computer lab, where there are some students at computer labs, and there is a familiar teacher sitting on the desk. This teacher is also the coach for my golf team. I ask the teacher if she's seen (my crush's name), and he says no(not suprisingly, this teacher has never met my crush), i then ask what time is today's match(for golf), and my teacher/coach says that he has to get there at 4:00, but the match starts at 4:25. Then, I appear in the family car, with my father driving, and I believe I am still looking for my crush, and I end up at this tower sort of thing, looks like a silo, i see the time, and it's 4:50, I say something along the lines of "oh crap, we have to get back" referencing the golf match I missed, I then appear in an office, that I've never seen before, and Dr. Gupta of CNN is there, and asks why I wasn't there, despite the fact that I have never met him, and thus not my golf coach. My mother has respect for Dr. Gupta, though my mother does not dislike my crush. Anyhow, I make some excuse, which I can't recall, but I'm thinking about my crush. After that, the dream ends
I"ve "liked" this girl for a long time, and I've had dreams of me in line at some sort of airport and we're holding each other, and things like that. I do not believe she is aware of my feelings for her. I am male. This dream is ridiculously confusing, and I'd appreciat your opinion
dream girl
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meaning of dreams:
dream girl,