Other info: I remember feeling very terrified through the entire dream and I could not stop shaking.
meaning of terrifiying dreams
I dreamed that something had happened to me, and people for some reason thought I was dead. A girl that my two best friends and I used to be good friends with, but now no longer get along with told me that my two best friends had committed suicide. I dreamed that I was running down the street screaming out for them and that the longer it took me to get there to prove I was okay, they would be dead and I wouldn't be able to save them. I enter a house of a boy that I haven't played with since I was a young girl, but him or his family doesn't live in it. It looks like a home from the French Renaissance and I start seeing flashbacks of my two best friends holding guns to their heads and pulling the trigger. By this point I am hysterical and the girl we used to be friends with takes me into the main hall where there are a group of people standing around. I do not recognize any of the people/they are faceless. I see my two friends laying down on their stomachs with blood everywhere and I know that I am too late. By this point I am overwhelmed with an extreme sense of agony and can hardly move when I go to sit by them. I shake the shoulder of the friend I am slightly closer with and nothing happens. When I look at my other friend I see her staring at back and then she blinks and I scream "She's alive, she's alive!" and people rush to help. Then the second friend begins to get up and she smiles and everything is going to turn out alright and I stop shaking.
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meaning of dreams:
meaning of terrifiying dreams