college freshman dreams

I am 17 years old. I'm an incoming college freshman. This dream really is about my ex, Dan. He broke up with me recently, and in waking life, I have not moved on completely. Although I don't think about him that much anymore, there are times when I miss him a lot. We don't talk anymore. One of my fears is when he starts college, he might meet someone... And I fear that I would get jealous. Dan and I don't see each other anymore too. I feel that he's avoiding me. There are times when I want to call him but I don't want to look desperate. I don't want him to think that I want him back... so I never call him.

I was with Mark, sitting on a couch in the living room downstairs in our house in Xavierville. I sat beside him by the ledge of the couch but I scooted to be near to him and lay on his side. I hugged him and then kissed him. He kissed back.

Two girls, Mark and I were by the back door of our side of the house in Xavierville, waiting for someone to unlock it. I didn't like one of the girls that were with us because I thought she was a bitch. Suddenly, she spoke and took the opportunity to make fun of someone while we were still waiting for the door. She was making fun of another girl who she claims to have humungous teeth. She said that girl was a rabbit. Mark laughed to hard and agreed. I wasn't talking because I felt annoyed and bad. I knew making fun of people wasn't a good thing to do.

We were in the house, but this time, the house was different. We were in some sort of hotel and we had to use an elevator to go to our room. The house was very cozy and cool. It was made of wood. It had two floors; the living room, kitchen, and the dining area were downstairs as all the bedrooms were upstairs. I never saw the master's bedroom. I only saw my bedroom and my sister's bedroom. I can't remember which room was mine and which was hers but one of the two rooms had two beds while the other only had one. Mark was turned into Dan. So instead of having Mark with me, I was with Dan the whole time. We were back together. He was staying in our house for the night so he placed his things in the room while I settled in the other which had two beds. Mary (who was not in rehab anymore) was away with mom, dad and Harry so Dan and I had the house for ourselves. We were kissing a lot. We were so happy to be back together.

Dan and I were in an elevator. We were going back to my place. I was staring at the "floor indicator" which was on top of the elevator door. The "floor indicator" was one of those old fashioned ones that you see in the movies with the long arms like of a clock's. It was light blue. The elevator was made of wood.

Dan and I were back in our rooms, but this time Dan's things were transferred to the other bed in the room I was staying. Apparently, Mary, mom, dad, and Harry were back so Mary placed Dan's bags in the other room so she can have the single-bed room by herself. She also thought it was more convenient. I didn't mind. While I was fixing the sheets, I realized that even if there were two beds in the room, Dan and I could sleep in one bed. I've always wanted to wake up next to the guy I love. I was happy and excited with that thought. Dan and I kissed some more. We were so happy together.

I'm not sure if I was with Dan or not. I was in an elevator again but this time, instead of it moving up and down, it moved back and forth. It was also big. It was not made of wood anymore. I think it was made of metal.

Mom, dad, and Harry were in the living room. I was having a tantrum at them because they scolded me. I was so upset that I was throwing my arms in every direction like I was weird monkey. Dan was there with us the whole time so when I walked out, Mom told Dan to talk some sense into me. Dan agreed and ran after me in our room. We sat on a couch. I was crying. I told him I had an explanation. When I was about to explain, I looked at his beautiful face that I had missed so much and kissed him instead. I wanted to explain but I couldn't stop kissing him because it made me so happy. I was smiling. Eventually I forgot about my anxiety as we continued kissing throughout the night.

I woke up.