menaing of dreams white dreams

I dreamt last night that I was in a room which had a white painted wooden floor, I am kneeling down and there is a big mirror with a fanxy gold frame leaning against the wall right in front of me. I lean forwards to look in it as I have a wobbly tooth on the top set 3rd from the back and as I touch it, I falls out. This tooth is in very good condition. Then I have pain on the bottom set of teeth with the tooth 3rd from the back. (both these teeth are on my right but look on the left in the mirror reflection) as I touch the tooth, it falls out immeadiately except this time, the tooth is full of mould. All the underneath is filled with thick furry green mould. I look in my mouth at the gap the tooth has just left and its healed. There is no mould and not even any blood. Then a little while later the two teeth are on the floor and my mum walks into the room wearing the old blue dresaing gown she wears and some white fluffy slippers with a silver star on each. I pick the teeth up and show my mum, put them in her cupped hand and as she starts to say anything, I wake up.
Other info: The white painted floor is like my old bedroom floor at my mums house, but in the dream, we werent at her house.