meaning of dreams Chinese

I'm female born 9/6/1952. I live in South Africa. I'm battling with my own business & must admit I am prepared to tackle something else as well if the opportunity came along. The dream was as follows:
Business proposition from an unknown Chinese male - financed by him. I'm not Chinese. From my understnding he did not live in South Africa. He was lost & drove to a dead end where my home was situated. I don't Iive at the end of my street, but in the middle. I happened to arrive shortly after him & we got talking at which point he asked to see my property. The surroundings were much larger but the house itself was the same as my house. Once he'd looked around he asked if he could look inside. As I entered the house a cat had gotten hold of a mouse & torn it to bits. I don't have a cat. Unfortuntely after that the dream is pretty much lost. The only thing is that it was so vivid.