meaning of dreams beach

I dreamt that I lived on a beach, I was walking out the house and in the distance there was a party on the beach. I was wearing baggy cloths that wear very hippy, and flip flops. I was standing next to a stage set up behind it and my ex boyfriend walked up to me, he had long hair and it was tide up in a bun, I just remember feeling pure bliss, something I haven't felt in a while. the scene changed to another scene on the beach and we we're slow dancing alone on the beach and it was sunset, then he told me I should go back to the house and get changed, I walked back out the house and have gotten changed, I was back to the scene of the stage set up and we're the party was, although my ex was not there, and he didn't come back. I remeber dropping to the floor and crying. and that was the end of my dream. I felt as if my heart was broken as I looked apon people dancing, having fun, drinking, and watching the bon fire burn as I saw it up close.