was in my primary school but all the people in my dream was from my secondary school.somehow,everyone was grouped into four groups,& i was in the group whose position was closest to the toilet.
A boy and a girl was standing in front of me, the girl was not that 'clear' but the boy was someone i recognised from my primary and secondary school.
suddenly they all started to throw rocks,and they meant to hit people with them! & a rock hit me,so the boy started to help me with it, & i had this whole lot of rocks,so i threw it all but i missed.& the 3 groups of people came to me. Apparently i wasn't supposed to hit them with the rocks yet. But then the guy i mentioned earlier defended me & i wrapped a towel around me which was very beautiful.
when i went to the toilet,two girls were in it gossiping, after i went out,
i woke up
Other info: this is the last dream i had before i woke up!