meaning of booth dream

was sitting at a booth alone (the booth chairs were green) and then the police officer that works at my school and the assissant principal (who like wants me) came over and the A.P sat next to me and the Officer sat on the other side and then i was leaned up against the wall that the booth was on. Then the A.P started rubbing my shoulder trying to put me to sleep, and my fist was up in the air and i was laughing and then i pretended to fall asleep, so then the A.P kissed me and i opened my eyes and then the table turned into a bed and we were both wrapped in a green blanket and we were squished because of the wall and then we started kissing...THE END

I am a female, the A.P is "friendly" to me and some people say that he treats me "oodly", But i do like him a lot and i have a HUGE crush on him.. could i be over reacting?