meaning of department store dreams

Last night I had a dream where I was in kohls department store (which is where I used to work till a few months ago) it was storming like crazy and It looked like the world was going to end outside. When I tried to go out to my car lightning kept trying to stike me, like there was someone in the sky waiting for me to come out so they could strike me. And then I started driving but couldnt see eventhough the rain had calmed down, I thought it was beause I didnt have my glasses on, so I then put them on and I still couldnt see. I was driving on busy roads pretty fast, looking for the right freeway to get on, but I couldnt see anything, it was almost just a blur. I try breaking at all the red lights but I cant, my breaks are bad and i push so hard on those breaks with my foot but they just wont work. I almost hit cars many times but never do, but I also never come to a complete stop. I just remember being scared and lost and almost dying all the time.

This is a reoccuring dream I have from time to time, but sometimes there are slight differences, like me being in a different store or looking for a different place.