meaning of dreams that pop up

I don't remember the entire dream, but i know that i start off with being a man (which, in reality, i am not). Somehow i get myself into this cult where i can jump myself into this alter-reality type thing. All of the "believers" can do so and are all seen in this "alter-reality". And it's absolutley amazing there.So much unharmed nature. Just... pure, untouched beauty.
Well, at some point, i am told that i need to go back to the original reality to convince "non-believers", as "believers" are lying on the beach, waiting to see some kind of portal to the "alter-reality". The police are there to, complaining about them all lying on the beach front. Hundreds of them. And for some reason, one-by-one they are dying.
I go there, and i speak to the "believers". I tell them that the place they believe in is real, and i tell them about it's astounding beauty, but none of them can come back with me because it is simply not their time. But that they should continue to believe and wait for their time to come. And as they had all seen me arrive through the "portal", none of their belief in previously mentioned paradise is broken.
I then proceed to axplain to the "non-believers" what they had just seen. The portal and what-not. I change their minds.
I then return to the "alter-reality" and am met by some sort of "Superior member", who says, in order to gain full membership, i am to be held down on my knees, arms stretched out, wrists facing upward, while i let them slice hundreds of cuts into my arms. And hearing myself scream is intense. Because i hear a man's voice, but i still feel like myself, as a woman.
I have no idea what it could mean. i don't know the first thing about dream interpretation. But a friand said i should hav it checked out, see if anything interesting pops up.