meaning of psychic dreams

I'm so confused! I have had 'psychic' dreams before and I feel this dream means something:It is a strange dream. I see a girl about three to five years old. She has medium length brownish black ringlets and both of her eyes are all black with no color or white to them. As I stare into her eyes it takes me back to a time of her life, in which I see a boy (her brother) about five to seven years old he has blue eyes, freckles, pale skin, and short/buzz cut red hair. Then I see the girl she is a baby about one year old, if not younger. She has fair skin like her brother, the same ringlets accept they are very short (just enough to cover the surface of her head) and they are also a lighter shade of brown. She is one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen. And then her brother repeatedly continues to put a very bright mirror in front of her eyes (with no VISIBLE intention of hurting her). She is blinded by the light and tries to move her head back, and away from the light. Then I am have the mirror in my face and I am blinded by the light as well. After the flash of light fades away, and I regain my sight it appears as if there is a change; the boy looks older (7 - 10) and is much fatter, and the girl looks almost the same, she has changed extremely but not much in appearance, in a way I do not see or understand. In this position I act as the babysitter. I tell the boy (who again, continues to put the blinding mirror to the girl's eyes, and also seems to be hurting her with his toys by hitting her with them), to stop what he is doing he does but i have a feeling he continues when I do not watch. And the dream ends.

Other info: The girl also seems to be holding a toy (Large block? Teddy bear?) throughout the whole dream.

psychic test