I was with my boyfriend and then one thing lead to another and we had a fight, when I woke up "in the dream", I felt dizzy and he was lockd up, I went to have a cig and flirted with a man that was shoveling snow, then I felt sick and notice the way I was moving made me bleed heavy from my side, come to find out my lover had stabbed me on my leftside of my stomach/waste, and i was bleedn heavy, I saw the blood in my hands and clothes. While walking I almost passed out but was able to get someones attention at 7/11(which is a store that's open 24/7)to call 911, then I wrote him asking why did he do what he did, some words I read had said "never cheat on the one who loves you" . Then I woke up and left the hospital. Went to a womens house after and there was a child there who wanted to play but told her no. Lastly, I was on a city bus going to down city but I was on the other side of town. When asked why he said he saw/hear/ someone told him I was cheatting on him.