love dream

 I dreamt about the girl that I love in the house of my grandfather with all my relatives there. I came to the house and while I was looking to see who is in the house I saw her and she was looking at me with a little smile.
Other info: I love this girl and told her that I like her but she told me that she can't. Many people told me that she doesn't like to have a boyfriend because she's conservative. I dreamed also before this dream about her that I was writing on a white board with a pen trying to help her in a question and she was laughing and getting closer to me while I was writing on the board until she puts her head and lips were close to mine and then the dream was over. By the way, before she knew that i love her I used to help her in some of the courses in college that's how we started to know each other, and she used to send me messages when she was sick etc. But she stopped doing that later and I missed her a lot.