
 I decided to not go home after work.. I remember feeling that I don�t have to go home, I deserved to be out, though I had no idea where I was going.
It�s extremely dark as I travel on a two lane highway in my 4 door non-descript compact car. 18 wheeler trucks whiz by. I�m sleepy and can�t seem to keep my eyes open and unable to stay alert. I remember wondering why didn�t I contact my family to let them know I wasn�t coming home. I attempted to dial the number, steering with one hand and dialing with my right hand. I finally realize this would not work and decided to pull over. Though there appeared to be gravel on the shoulder of the road, I pulled over onto a grassy path. No sooner than I�d stopped the vehicle, I noticed a lone pickup truck and a man (dressed in bluejean overalls and a straw hat and carrying a long metal object) and his dog started walking towards my vehicle. The dog was a chocolate brown thin and hairy dog� looking more like a wolf and was growling and salivating profusely .. as in running water. The dog appeared vicious� but I don�t remember. I remember being extremely frightened as if the sight of both the man and dog made my hair stand up on my head. The dog squeezed through the slightly opened window behind me. The window was only open approximately .5 inch. He continued to salivate and growl. The man followed suit. I felt in terrible danger and could barely move due to the fright. I could feel their presence behind me, but was too frightened to move. I think I saw them as a third person (watching the scene). As the dog continued to growl and salivate behind me, the man continued to say.. what are you doing here. I felt that at any moment I would be killed. I forced myself awake.