know, telling me I had to go to court over an unpaid phone bill or something to that effect, and I told her I couldn't even think about it at the moment, and instead of being consoling, she just got angry with me. She was talking to her mother about possibly paying the bill for me, and then hung up the phone. My step mom was nowhere to be found, but her daugter, my step sister, was there and just shrugged the whole thing off. I couldn't find my other brother, which terrified me too. No one told me how he died, just that he was gone. I suspected it was from a heart attack though. Can anyone tell me what this means? I don't understand why they were all so young when I was my current age in the dream.
I am 24 years old, and female. My dad is currently in jail on DUI charge, and I am trying to convince him to move here to go to Rehab when he gets out. I just moved into a new place. I have a boyfriend whom I have been with for 5 years now, and we have a daughter together.