warrior angel dreams

im 23 years old female have been in a fairly new relationship since march. i recently came out of a very hard relationship of four years. im currently unsure about my relationship now, but wont end it cause im also not sure if im being insecure. my dream begins with me laying on my normal spot in his bed im facing him his back is turned to me and a shadow moves from within his closet. im afraid of the shadow and i immediately stand up and place my left foot in front of my boyfriend. i am now standing over him. i watch as i transform into this very warrior like angel with black wings to my knowledge i have become an arch angel. the shadow is now in the corner of his room about a foot from the closet and three feet from the entrance. i pull out this massive sword to which in a voice not my own i call it the sword of truth. the shadow is frightened by the sword and slides under the bedroom door.
Other info: i have also had another dream to which i am standing completely still staring at a lake and a black bull dog jumps out of the water n stands staring back at me. im afraid but i dont run or make any sounds.