travel dream nyc

 I had this dream last night and it is by far one of the strangest dreams I've ever had. It is also one of the most vivid dreams and one that I can recall most of the information of it.
Bare with me as this is kinda odd.
I dreamt that I was in New York City (I don't live there but I just came back from visiting) and while walking down the street, I noticed a little girl standing at a bus stop by herself with a lot of luggage beside her. Now, the girl was no older than 12 or 13, so I say, "You're a bit young to be traveling alone. Where are you headed?"
She then responds "I'm going back home" She then tells me that she lives in Alaska, which is obviously a long ways from NYC, so I then offer to help her on her trip out of nowhere. I've never seen this girl before, but I offer to chaperon her across the country.
The next thing I remember is that we're on some sort of mode of transportation. Most likely a train as it has separate rooms for everyone with a window. We're making small idle conversation that I can't quite remember though I do remember some sort of slight communication going on before everything goes blurry for a bit.
The next thing I remember is it's dark out and it's raining and we've stopped for food when my cell phone rings. It's not a cell phone I've ever seen before and the lettering on screen is all incomprehensible gibberish. Like some foreign lettering not of this world.
I answer it and it's my father or what I recognize as my father, only for some reason, it's the voice of Robert De Niro (told you it was weird) and his voice is cutting in and out and I can't understand him. All I can make out is that I've inherited a lot of money and must return home immediately. All I remember after that is making a choice between leaving for the money or continuing to help the girl back home. Last thing I remember before waking is that I do indeed continue with the girl. I don't remember the ending of it or if I followed her the whole way, just that I decided to stay with the girl rather than leave for the money.
One thing to mention is that the girl is dressed similarly to that of my mum's best friend.
And another thing. The girl in question keeps begging me to have with her. (I'm not a pedophile just so you know)
Thank you in advance if you decide to help me.