in my first dream: I found out my ex was talking to me and his on ex girlfriend (the only girl to ever break up with him that he always used to go back to and broke up with all his other ex girlfriends for) at the same time. In the dream we both found out and got really angry at him and told him to leave us both alone. When this all happened we were in a weird building with a lot of pools and hot tubs. My one friend went up and asked my ex.. "what's going on don't you like britt (me)? and he was like "no i do I really like her but I already have her. She's always going to be there.. but I don't have jamie (his ex), I almost did I was so close and now its all ruined." Then in the dream he went and talked to me and apologized and I took him back. Later one of his ex girlfriend's friends went up to him and was like I think you and Jamie need to talk.. So he went to talk to her and then she ended up forgiving him and then he left me again and went back to her.
what does my dream means
2 months ago me and my boyfriend of over 2 years broke up and it's been a very confusing and emotional time. We still talk and hang out and I never quite know how he feels or what he's thinking. He talks to other girls a lot though and other ex girlfriends so that upsets me and gets to me a lot. so..
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meaning of dreams:
what does my dream means