I was with my brother-in-law (whom lives in the Netherlands and I see every couple years), childhood friend (that I have'nt seen in 20 years), and a girl ( that I think was my wife but not certain). We all walked up on a house that was suposed to have a dolphin. At my intense urging, my childhood friend and I walked through the house out to a back patio. We saw a dolphin and a girl. The girl looked like it could have been an x-girlfireld but I'm not certain. The girl started kissing the dolphin in a very romantic manner. Deep tonge kisses. My friend wanted to leave but I was telling him it's ok and to stay. He left and I ended up in a bed room peeking through a sliding glass window trying to watch the girl and the dolphin. I was laying on my stomach on the carpet trying to look through the glass window. Each time I tried to look water sprayed in and I could not see. I had a small book or journal in my hands that was getting wet so I was trying to protect it from the water while trying to peek through the glass door to watch the girl and dolphin have sex. It seemed like I was there for awhile.
Then we were all then in the front yard and we realized our car was gone. My friend and brother-in-law went into the girls garage to steel her car. Just as they were aproaching her car I noticed our car down the hill and was telling them not to take the girls car, that our car was down the hill. I kept pointing at our car down the hill.
This is where I woke up. The entire dream seemed very real and detailed which is not typical for me.