i had a dream that was weird i live in minnesota

i had a dream that was weird i live in minnesota but i was in manhaten the night before 911 in this dream. i think
it was 1am on the 10th of september
i had no clue where i was it was a dream
so i went with the flow but i knew i was in a small apartment 20th floor? building with strangers
that seemed nice we were relaxing and there were drugs everywhere actual drugs
no marijuana:(. suddenly i heard chaos
the peaple i was with were arguing and
fighting i kinda ignored it and kept watching the obama deception wich was
a a true documentory about nwo and false flag terror(the weird thing is that movie dident exist yet). anywaze time fast forward about 7hours every one was still fighting and yelling i was getting irratated so i opened the window and
one of the women who was yelling through her infant son out the window from a different room then i looked in the backround and saw one of the towers fall then i heard voices that were not there they were saying stuff like "finaly we did it" "now we prepare for armagetton" "now we need one more crisis just the right one they will except our new world order"
"keep moving sheeple"
then i woke up. does that all mean something?