meaning of dreams airplanes

My dream is always about airplanes its been and airplane flying into a building, to seeing airplanes pulling into a mcdonalsd, to last night when i drempt a wierd looking aircraft, in lik tubelike form w/ all these cone shaped compartments all thru it, it flew over my house and started dropping this blue, oceam colored liquad, and we ran in fear of the it was an alien aircraft. Nothing I had ever seen before.I am a single mom of 3 girls. I can tell you this has gone on since 9-11 when the planes hit the buildings in NYC. ever since then i have these dreams about planes. I am afraid of flying as well..could that be why? just fear of them please help, its very weird. Im never in these planes just watching them I also had a dream once of just all kinds of weird flying aircraft over head. like hundreds of them!! from blimps, to planse to old style planes like the Wright Brothers flew, to gliders.all kinds thank you!!