meaning of car dreams

to start of.. I dreamt about meeting the Sheiks of my religion (these are like the high priests of islam) in the holy kabaah (house of worship in Mecca) .. I remember only being introduced to them and shaking their hands.. There was no sound.. Just that moment.. Note that i stay in South Africa and the Middle East is miles away.↲
i had then awakened and when i went back to sleep, i had dreamt about a friend that used to be close to me that i had not spoken to in years.. He seemed distressed. I was supposed to meet him and his wife from what i remembered from the dream, but he came alone. He seemed destructive yet i was there to calm him down. The event took place in my former school, which i had been out of for 4 years now. We travelled in his car and i had met a girl in the place we went to. She seemed safe and understanding yet i don't remember her face. We kissed and that's when i had awakened for the second time.

Other info: i'm a 22 years old male, figuring my way through life.. I am independant of only myself, i do not have alot of friends currently, nor any secure relationship. My family is thousands of miles away from me and i live and work professionally in johannesburg, south africa..