two dreams symbols flying and chase

i have two dreams that i often have that would be really good if you could tell me what they first dream is one that i have been having for around 6 years and it started when my mum got really sick. what happens in the dream is i am flying down stairs, but its not like done easily and i'm struggling to keep myself up. i fly outside and down the road for a little while but then i get a sudden urge to go back home. i open the front door to find my dad sitting on the couch with my mum lying across his lap. she is all bandaged up with a sord stuck into her. on her bandages there is a large red cross. i then run to the kitchen to find these evil looking men and women who then take me away. at this stage i usually wake up so i don't know what happens next.
the second dream that occures occasionally is a dream where you are being chased by someone and when you try to scream for help i find that i can't talk, like i have no voice.
please help me understand what these dreams mean.