meaning of dreams: Hannah Montana

i was texting this girl and she told me that they guy i used to like broke up with his girlfriend because she had cheated on him. then a group from my church went to a Hannah Montana concert and i met Hannah in the bethroom and she asked me to be a backup dancer. So i dance on stage and then my friend comes up and dances too and then the guy i used to like who just broke up came up too. then we all got kicked off. then the guy i used to like and just broke up said lets sit in the back and grabs my hand and leads me to the back where i thought the church was sitting there. when we got there no one was there so we sat down and started talking. then he put his arm around me and started rubbing my leg. i was creeped out by this so i said what are you doing?? and he says you look really pretty today. i go im wearing jeans and a t shirt. he says i really like you and i go your a little late, you knew i liked you a month ago and now i dont