I was at my school at graduation.The ceremony was over and I spotted this boy I liked for a couple of years,I pulled him aside but i'm not sure where in the school we were. He asked what i was doing and I told him I was taking my chance. He seemed puzzled until I kissed him afterwards he understood what i meant .I began to walk away but he held on to my wrist just like a previous time when he didn't want me to leave but it felt as though he was going to say something in anger.He looked at me and i felt as if we were speaking without words, like i usually do. I could see some sort of care for me behind his eyes i smiled at him and then he let me go as i walked away i passed his girlfriend who had on dress similar to mine it was just that the split was on the other side.She looked at me as if she felt threatened by my presence.
school graduation dream
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school graduation dream