The first part of the dream that I remember is that I was away at a private school of some sort and was at the school's swimming pool. I was swimming laps and prepared to practice diving, when three girls- I recognize one of them as a friend from my high school, the other two I didn't recognize- came and wanted to use the diving board and I let them, and continued swimming laps. I got out and one of my favorite high school teachers, Mr. Swortchek, was there. I went to the big glass window to the side of the pool, looking out to a courtyard of some sort and saw a small tornedo and a boy, the two collided, but the boy was fine. The next thing I knew, I was back at my own house and the aforementioned favorite teacher was there, in my upstairs bathroom. It appeared that he actually lived at my house, renting a room from my mother. I went to my room, which in real life, is actually my mother's room, and began organizing things. That's all I can remember that happened. I do remember wanting attention from this particular teacher however.
meaning of dream: school
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