I was working @ an old job and a friend came in and started 2yell at me. I had my mgr. escort her out. He then told me I could go home it was slow and I said can I wait a lil while longer, Im afraid she is still out there. So when I leave 2 get in my car here she comes wlalking up2me throwing rocks large really round ones I kept dogging them got in my car and started driving away. Then Im on this mountain driving and I cant remember how 2get back 2my home town, so I ask some people walking up the mountain and took me 2different people b4 I got the right way2go. So im driving down this mountain and I stop get out of my car to look over the side and I slip. Im holding on the side of this mountain and realize that there is ground under me so im ok. Now im screaming for some one to help me back up and as I look up there is a walking cane sticking out of the side of the mountain so I grab it and start waving it in the air as this bus is going by the driver sees me and stops runs up2me and helps me back up. the last thing i remember b4I wake up is saying the number 11, 11