i dreamed of being in love.i was messing with this guy. he followed me to this truck where we found a beatiful baby girl. it felt like i knew both of them very well. when he would let go of after hugging me or holding my hand i would not like it. i had to be touching him. i had to be near him. my dad and his girlfriend didnt like this guy i was in love with but i think they loved the baby to. then all of a sudden we appeared in another time. MAybe like in the prehistoric time or something. i was changing the baby diaper and i knew the guy i loved was with the rest of the tribe hunting for food. but i so badly wanted for him to be with me. i shouted his name and he said he cant come home now because he was helping the tribe and then i said but i miss you. then i woke up.
that night i was reading sylivia browns book of dreams