ghost dream

At the beginning of my dream i was walking with my boyfriend at that time and his mate and my mate through a park, that event actually happened a year ago. Then i seen my english teacher being chased by police, the scenery changed to being at a canal. The police arrested her , but she turned to dust on the floor. I didnt find it weird she turned to dust. But next thing i know the dust that was on the floor was actually my half sister who is 3 years of age. And i was shouting you killed her to the police. The next part of my dream was my step Grandmothers house i found this weird as i have only been to her house a few times, i opened the door and my mother was sat with a craddle, the room was dim, I kepted looking back at the door that seemed to be open so i could see the night sky outside. My mother was crying but singing a lullaby to the craddle. I looked inside it but there was no one or nothing in there ? i carried on walking into a kitchen , the kitchen was very much like the kitchen in my old house. My dads cat ran past my feet while i stood at the kitchen door, she was a ghost.

Im 14 years of age, i have two older sisters a younger brother and a younger sister, my younger sister was the one in my dream.I have a boyfriend who is also my best mate, my mother and dad got divorced when i was 11. I have a lot of family problems, which has caused suicidal problems for my older sister. My feelings havent changed for the last 3 years of my life. As if i would trade my life for anyones because i feel so lonely and unhappy. i generally go out with my mates to get away from home.Id stay out till late about 12 at night. My fear is loosing my mother, as she is very ill.