I have had two dreams in the past few months of a man that I have known a great number of years. We have kissed on a few occasions and I do have feelings for him however the dreams r really strange to me. The first one was that I was at Mass and my friend ws interviewing this man, he was happy and smiling and explaining that he had had a watch but t had frozen and his work colleagues had replaced his watch and he was very grateful and appreciative.
I was just a spectator in tis dream. The second and more recent dream was that I was with his brother and another girl and we were searching for something, I dont know what, but they ran into a building and I went to go around a corner but caught a reflection in a window and it was him again just standing lookng back. In this dream it was raining and all I could do was stare, when I passed him I looked back over my shoulder and he was just standing watching after me. Could you shed any light on any of this as I feel there is a purpose for him turning up in my dreams as if he is watching over me in a protective way..